Carbon market feasibility
Check your projects eligibility
Certify your project
Ready your project for audit,, so it can be listed on a registry
Sell your credits
Market and sell your credits to offsetters

Creating a carbon project
Carbon market feasibility
Requirements like additionality, measurement and permanence must be met by your project. Different registries have different requirements, which means ensuring your project picks the best registry is essential.
Project forecasting
Carbon standards use standardised methodologies to ensure that each project measures emission reductions using the same calculations. Forecasting credit issuance using these methodologies is a great way to get a barometer of the scale of a project.
Audit preparation / project documentation
Carbon projects require a Project Design Document (PDD) in order to issue credits. The PDD and other important information is required for the audit, which must be passed before credits can be issued.
Marketing and selling credits
Finding interested customers for the project is essential to its success. Different offtakers want different levels of engagement with the project, meaning connecting the right project to the right offtaker is no mean feat.
Carbon market feasibility
Carbon credit forecasting
Audit preparation
Project documentation (PDD)
Carbon credit marketing and sales